Contact us ( Inders Media)

Hello my friends ! We are INDERS MEDIA .
Our Inders Media is a part of Inders Academy. Our head office is located in the town of Kailashahar, a small state of Tripura, northeast India. Our organization, organizes various cultural events and sports events for the people of our surrounding area and city. However, Inders media is our first website And now we are entering the Internet world from the practical world to entertain you.
Your comments about this website. You can tell us by commenting or by emailing us at our email address.

Email- address@:-indersacademy@gmail

WhatsApp number:- +918974148380.

Facebook page :- Inders academy house/kls/tojoroy .

This information about us is enough for now. So go and enjoy our website. And don't forget to share it with your friends and relatives on this website.